Acupuntura Energética barcelona

Acupuncture in Barcelona

Your acupuncture centre in Barcelona, all our treatments follow the principles of traditional Chinese medicine.

Balance and Well-being

Recover your natural health and energy balance.

Natural medicine

We provide you with the most suitable natural remedies.


We are located in the centre of Barcelona

Our clinic specializes in acupuncture treatments in Barcelona, using advanced techniques to treat a variety of conditions. In addition, we complement our treatments with Chinese medicine to improve the overall well-being of our patients. Don't miss the experiences of our patients who have found relief and healing with us.

Most requested treatments

Our most popular treatments such as acupuncture are for all types of pain, digestive problems, insomnia, migraines, addictions, etc.

Acupuntura Barcelona

Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points along the body to achieve a therapeutic effect..

The combination of different types of herbs in different proportions helps us to elaborate a customised recipe and unique to each patient and a specific pattern of disharmony.

Cupping creates a vacuum effect that suctions the skin, increasing the diameter of the blood vessels in the region. As a result, there is a increased oxygenation of these tissues, allowing for the drainage of toxins which pass into the lymphatic system to be eliminated from there.

Book or ask a question

Would you like to book an appointment or do you have any questions?

Call us on +34 644 604 469 or simply book your appointment by clicking the button.

Descubre KeyNaturals

KeyNaturals ofrece extractos líquidos de hongos adaptógenos como el chaga y el reishi, perfectos para complementar tratamientos holísticos como la acupuntura. Estos productos, 100% biológicos y ayudan a equilibrar cuerpo y mente, reforzando la energía y fortaleciendo el sistema inmunológico.

Visita su página web y descubre más:

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine in Barcelona


What we can do for you ?


Gynaecology and Fertility

We treat all types of gynaecological problems and create personalised plans to improve your fertility and that of your partner.


Stress management

We stimulate specific points of the body producing the release of endorphins, so that you can achieve more peace in your day to day life.


Digestive problems

We always value the quality of digestion and try to improve it through nutrition, herbal medicine and acupuncture.


Pain management

Any form of pain, from sports injuries to migraines to menstrual cramps, can be relieved with acupuncture.

I was deeply attracted to Chinese Medicine because of its combination of philosophy and medicine, being more a way of understanding life and health than a conventional medicine.

Julia Valiente
What are you waiting for?

Acupuncture center in Barcelona

Take the first step to take care of your health and achieve body-mind wellbeing. Fill in the fields with your query and we will contact you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you.

Find us on

Carrer Pelai, 12, 08001 Barcelona


+34 644 604 469

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Energetic Acupuncture Barcelona
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