

Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points along the body to achieve a therapeutic effect.. Se viene utilizando desde hace miles de años, y se ha demostrado que mejora la circulación, reduce la inflamación, disminuye el dolor y promueve la reparación de tejidos. 

La acupuntura, al estimular el sistema nervioso central, produce un aumento de las secreciones de sustancias químicas como las endorfinas y la serotonina. Estos neurotransmisores actúan como analgésicos naturales y ayudan a regular el estado de ánimo, mejorando así el bienestar físico y emocional.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbs are prescribed as a formula containing five to fifteen different herbs. The combination of different types of herbs in different proportions helps us to make a customised recipe and unique to each patient and a specific pattern of disharmony.

In Acupuntura Energética, our commitment to the environment ensures that we do not use any medicinal substances derived from an endangered species. The plants we work with are prepared in accordance with strict manufacturing and agricultural practices (GAP and GMP) and are subject to high levels of quality control.

The herbal formulas can be used to treat all kinds of conditions such as pain, stress, indigestion, allergies, insomnia, depression, premenstrual syndrome and infertility among others.

Fitoterapia China
man massaging woman's body


Tuina is a therapeutic massage whose origin dates back to around 3000 BC. Like Acupuncture and Phytotherapy, Tuina is inseparable from the logic and philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It consists of applying a series of techniques (pressure, kneading, friction, vibration or traction) to the body, basically using hands and fingers, in order to harmonise the circulation of energy. (Qi) and blood (xue) in the meridians and thereby restoring balance and health of the patient. It is applied along the body's energy channels, detecting blocked or "empty" areas and emphasising the treatment there. 

Tuina is a type of massage that does not involve direct contact with the skin. The patient can wear comfortable clothes without the need to undress.


Traditional moxibustion is the use of a dried plant (Artimisia argyi) to heat and stimulate certain acupuncture points. This therapy has been used for 2000 years and is a complementary technique commonly used during acupuncture sessions. It improves the circulation of qi and blood and conditions associated with "cold deficiency" or "yang" in Chinese medicine, such as pain, fatigue, some types of infertility and digestive disorders.

Moxibustion is also well known for its ability to stimulate a breech baby to turn around in the last weeks of pregnancy, being effective in 69-85% of cases according to several studies.

person holding lighted lighter with fire
red and white bottles on black table

Cupping therapy Chinese Medicine

Las ventosas son unos vasos de vidrio o plástico que son utilizados en medicina tradicional china como técnica de tratamiento para mejorar  la circulación sanguínea en una región del cuerpo

Cupping creates a vacuum effect that suctions the skin, increasing the diameter of the blood vessels in the region. As a result, there is a increased oxygenation of these tissues, allowing for the drainage of toxins which pass into the lymphatic system to be eliminated from there. 

Además de esto, la ventosas son  muy utilizadas para combatir el dolor muscular, ya que la diferencia de presión causada por el vacío despega el músculo y aumenta la cantidad de sangre proporcionando una sensación de relajación. 


La auriculoterapia es una técnica terapéutica basada en la acupuncture que consiste en estimular ciertos puntos situados en el pabellón auditivo con el fin de tratar dolencias y enfermedades localizadas en otras partes del organismo. Aunque los antiguos textos chinos hablaban de algunos tratamientos a través de puntos situados en la oreja no fue hasta los años cincuenta cuando esta técnica fue desarrollada por el doctor francés Paul Nogier quien fue el primero en realizar una cartografía detallada de la oreja y sus relaciones con las diferentes partes del cuerpo.


Compared to the standard acupuncturewhose origins go back thousands of years, electroacupuncture therapy is a relatively young technique. is a relatively young technique. Although it is based on classical Chinese acupuncture, it originated in France in the 19th century and was used from the beginning to treat pain-related ailments such as sciatica.

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