Tuina Massage

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The Tui Na therapy is a manual therapy within the framework of the traditional chinese medicine which uses massage as a treatment. The word Tui Na means pushing and grasping, two of a variety of 80 movements that make up this massage. The movements are applied on the body surface, the path of the acupuncture meridians, on acupuncture points or on specific pain points.

The Tui Na, together with the acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicines are the main pillars of traditional Chinese medicine. Massage therapy is used to treat specific areas, or to improve the flow of energy throughout the body. The aim of tuina massage is to create harmony by removing blockages and disturbances that manifest as illness, disease and emotional problems. Among its most important benefits according to Chinese medicine theory are: balancing Yin-Yang, activating Qi-Xue (energy-blood), unblocking meridians, toning specific organs and soothing pain.

As a technique of Chinese medicine it can be combined with acupuncture as both disciplines share the same principles. The combined use of both modalities achieves very effective results in the treatment of energy imbalance and the functional restoration of Qi flow.

What is it for?

It is particularly suitable for musculoskeletal and osteoarticular problems that cause pain, such as: 

  • Sports injuries
  • Tendinitis
  • Muscle spasms and contractures
  • Neck and back pain
  • Sprains
  • Joint stiffness
  • Herniated disc
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Arthrosis
  • Arthritis
  • Sciatica
  • Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
  • TMJ disorders

However, this technique not only treats musculoskeletal injuries but also internal diseases of the digestive system such as irritable bowel syndrome,diarrhoea or constipation, hormonal imbalances such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), as well as insomnia, anxiety, infertility, headaches and migraines.

What does Tuina Massage consist of?

During a Tui Na session, the therapist applies a series of techniques (pressure, kneading, friction, vibration or traction) to the body, basically using hands and fingers that differ in intensity and speed depending on the desired therapeutic effect.

Masaje Tuina en Barcelona

In turn, there are manipulative techniques to align the body and correct posture. Passive joint movements are used to improve joint movement and delay joint degeneration.

The massage is performed with the patient seated or lying on a stretcher and can remain clothed, as the massage is usually performed on a sheet placed over the patient.

Who is it for?

In principle everybody can benefit from this technique, which is particularly indicated for all those who are afraid of needles. Children are potential candidates for this treatment, and there is even a Tui Na massage for children and babies with a particularly beneficial approach for young children as it is a non-invasive and painless technique.

In our centre in Barcelona We practice both Tui Na for adults and for children, and we do it as a complement to a acupuncture session or as a exclusive massage treatment. If you need more information about this technique and its applications, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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