Tratamiento de acupuntura en Barcelona

El tratamiento de acupuntura es uno de los métodos terapéuticos englobados dentro de la Traditional Chinese Medicine. Its practice dates back more than 2,500 years and spread to Europe and America from the 16th century onwards.

It is considered one of the oldest medical practices and consists of the insertion of very fine needles in certain points of the body that correspond to points located on the meridian map where qi flows. Qi is a difficult word to translate, it essentially means the potential for one state to transform into another state and the interconnection between the two, which always implies communication, movement or exchange of energy.

It is commonly translated as the "vital energy" of the body. This energy flows throughout the body from the deep organs to the superficial skin through interconnected meridians, with acupuncture points being the main confluences of these meridians. Manipulation of the acupuncture needle at specific points allows the experienced acupuncturist to influence this energy and thus improve the patient's state of health.

La eficacia de un tratamiento de acupuntura

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recognised the efficacy and safety of acupuncture in a variety of medical conditions after analysing a number of research and clinical trials. These are:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders such as epigastralgia or acute dyspepsia in peptic ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis, and gastro-spasm.
  • Gynaecological disorders, such as dysmenorrhoea
    Problems during pregnancy such as nausea and vomiting, induction of labour and poor foetal position
  • Treatment of adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy
  • Biliary colic
  • Renal biliary
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Essential hypertension
  • Primary hypotension
  • Medical conditions with pain such as headache or migraine, facial pain (including cranio-mandibular disorders), post-operative pain, pain in dentistry (including dental pain and temporomandibular dysfunction).
  • Musculoskeletal and osteoarticular pain such as knee pain, back pain, cervicalgia, scapulohumeral periarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, sprained ankle, epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
  • Cerebrovascular Accident
  • Leucopenia
  • Emotional and psychological disorders, such as stress, depression and anxiety
  • Nausea and vomiting

Según la OMS hay muchas otras condiciones para las que la acupuntura ha demostrado sus beneficios pero se necesitan más estudios clínicos. Algunas de estas indicaciones son: acné vulgar, asma bronquial, dolor de oído, dependencia del alcohol y otras drogas, dejar de fumar, fibromialgia, insomnio, hiperlipidemia, hipofunción ovárica, enfermedad de Ménière, neuralgia postherpética (NPH), problemas de fertilidad femenina y masculina, síndrome de ovario poliquístico, prostatitis crónica, infección recurrente del tracto urinario inferior, colitis ulcerosa crónica, síndrome de Sjögren, dermatitis atópica. Por eso los tratamientos de acupuntura son una solución ideal, natural para problemas de dolor, intestinales, musculares, del sistema hormonal

Tratamiento de acupuntura

Tratamiento de acupuntura por Julia Valiente

Julia Valiente is a graduate in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Instituto Superior de Medicinas Tradicionales (ISMET-Barcelona) and completed a Higher Training in Acupuncture at the Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF-Barcelona). She also completed studies in Naturopathic and Oriental Dietetics at the Intituto de Formación Profesional Roger de Llúria (Barcelona).

My philosophy

My first contact with alternative therapies was born out of an interest in learning about a healthier and more appropriate way of eating for each individual. 

The study of energetic nutrition led me to Chinese medicine. I was deeply attracted by its combination of philosophy and medicine, being more a way of understanding life and health than a conventional medicine.

I understand the work of a therapist as a research work where detecting the root of the problem is essential for a proper diagnosis and treatment. My objectives in consultation are focused on awakening your vital force, helping you to change those habits of life and nutrition that are harmful to you, so that you personally find the path to inner balance and thus preserve your health.

Medicina tradicional china en Barcelona con Julia Valiente

What is acupuncture for?

Acupuncture for the neurological system
Acupuncture for addiction cessation
Acupuntura para la ansiedad
Acupuncture for weight loss
Acupuncture for migraine
Acupuncture to get pregnant
Acupuncture for insomnia
Acupuncture for the respiratory system
Acupuncture for the digestive system
Para patologías concretas
Acupuntura para el sistema hormonal
Acupuncture for depression
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Energetic Acupuncture Barcelona
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